The Mistaken Complaint

Once a shepherd had a large flock of sheep and a strong watch-dog to guard them. When the flock used to graze in the pasture, the dog guarded it with care.

In the noon, the shepherd, while having his lunch used to feed the dog too. The sheep watched this daily and whispered about this special treatment.

One day, when the shepherd was sharing his lunch with the dog, the sheep said, "Master! You are being unfair to we sheep. You don't' treat us all equally."

"I didn't get you. Come up clearly," said the shepherd.

The sheep said, "We give you milk, wool and lamb but get nothing in return. We feed on grass that we have to find ourselves. This dog gives you nothing, still you feed him so affectionately.

" At once the dog said, "If I won't be there to guard you, you won't be able to come grazing. Either some wolf will make you your meal or some thief will steal you.

" The sheep had no words to say.

Quote Precisely About Life With Background Wallpapers

It's easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear. Quote By Chubby Talks

It's easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear.

I wish memories were text could delete the ones you don't want and keep the special ones forever!!! Quote By Chubby Talks

I wish memories were text could delete the ones you don't want and keep the special ones forever!!!

The day you learn how not to cry is the day you learn to hate. Quote By Chubby Talks

The day you learn how not to cry is the day you learn to hate.

DON'T make decisions when you're angry and Don't make promises when you're happy Quote By Chubby Talks

DON'T make decisions when you're angry and Don't make promises when you're happy

It's funny. In school you're taught a lesson, then giving a test. But in life, you're giving a test that teaches you a lesson Quote By Chubby Talks

It's funny. In school you're taught a lesson, then giving a test. But in life, you're giving a test that teaches you a lesson

I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions Quote By Chubby Talks

I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions

If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be thinking about it. Quote By Chubby Talks

If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be thinking about it.