Writing a Book Story
"LET us write a book," they said;
"but what shall it be about ?"
"A fairy story," said the elder sister.
" A book about kings and queens," said the other.
"Oh, no," said the brother, "let's write about animals."
"We will write about them all," they cried together. So they put the paper,
and pens, and ink ready. The elder sister took up a fairy story and looked at
it, and put it down again.
"I have never known any fairies," she said, "except in books; but, of course,
it would not do to put one book inside another anyone could do that."
"I shall not begin to-day," the little one said, "for I must know a few kings
and queens before I write about them, or I may say something foolish."
"I shall write about the pig, and the pony, and the white rabbit," said the
brother; "but first I must think a bit. It would never do to write a book
without thinking."
Then the elder sister took up the fairy story again, to see how many things
were left out, for those, she thought, would do to go into her book.
The little one said to herself, "Really, it is no good thinking about kings
and queens until I have known some, so I must wait;" and while the brother was
considering about the pig, and the pony, and the white rabbit, he fell asleep.
So the book is not written yet, but when it is we shall know a great deal.
Quotes that effects life with HD Images
Your problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction is the problem
Diligence is the mother of good luck.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
Honesty is the best policy.
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes
You may delay, but time will not.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
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